Photos from Aviodev's post
18/11/2016 Update
We’ve been working this last week on rear cockpit in order to have it almost ready, so now there’s only some components missing, which are the VOR/ILS, the Flight Director and the navigation korries. In addition, as you know, all navigation systems will be functional on any DCS scenery.
Just today, we’ve also completed one of the new items which can provide more payoff for a trainer like the C-101, that is, the IFR flight training Hood, which will be able to activate through the Mission Editor. For the time being it will be available exclusively for basic IFR flight training, since the only functional navigation system in rear cockpit right now is the TACAN and solely in its course determining function, but anyway all systems will be available soon.
This week’s changelog for 2.0.4 is the following:
New items not present in latest 1.5.5 version:
-Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist.
-Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels.
-Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit.
-Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button.
-Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry).
-Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit.
-TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound.
-Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded.
-Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost.
-TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start.
-Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication.
Items already present in latest 1.5.5 version:
-Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made spring-loaded for both positions).
-Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
-Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine anti-ice korry buttons.
-Fixed cockpit mechanism.
-Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
-Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
-Updated autostart sequence.
-Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
-Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
-Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one.
-Fixed cockpit specular texture.
-TACAN will work in all theaters now.
-TACAN panel animation and clickability updated.
-Terrain masking is correctly accounted now.
-TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit.
-AA TACAN is functional now.
-Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode.
-TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker.
Actualización 18/11/20016
Esta semana hemos estado trabajando con la cabina trasera para dejarla prácticamente terminada, en la que ya sólo faltan algunos componentes por codificar, que son el VOR/ILS, el Flight Director y los korries de navegación. Además, como ya sabéis, todos los sistemas de navegación funcionarán en cualquier escenario de DCS.
Hoy mismo hemos completado una de las novedades a las que más rendimiento se le puede sacar en un entrenador como es el C-101, y que es la capucha de entrenamiento de vuelo instrumental, la cual se podrá activar mediante el Editor de Misiones. De momento sólo se podrá usar para entrenamiento de vuelo instrumental básico, ya que el único sistema de navegación disponible en la cabina trasera es el TACAN y solamente en su función de determinación de curso, pero pronto estarán disponibles todos los sistemas.
El changelog de esta semana para la 2.0.4 es el siguiente:
New items not present in latest 1.5.5 version:
-Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist.
-Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels.
-Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit.
-Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button.
-Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry).
-Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit.
-TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound.
-Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded.
-Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost.
-TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start.
-Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication.
Items already present in latest 1.5.5 version:
-Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made spring-loaded for both positions).
-Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
-Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine anti-ice korry buttons.
-Fixed cockpit mechanism.
-Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
-Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
-Updated autostart sequence.
-Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
-Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
-Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one.
-Fixed cockpit specular texture.
-TACAN will work in all theaters now.
-TACAN panel animation and clickability updated.
-Terrain masking is correctly accounted now.
-TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit.
-AA TACAN is functional now.
-Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode.
-TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker. ... See more